2024 3rd International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Manufacturing System (ICAMTMS 2024)

Welcome Prof. Yun Wang,Jiangsu University, China to be the TPC!


Prof. Yun Wang,Jiangsu University, China


Prof. Yun’s major research interests include the Mould & Die CAD/CAE/CAM, modeling design and control of deformation processes from micro to macro scale, tribology, simulation-based design and design optimization. His work has made some contributions to the understanding of scale effect in microforming and the effects of material microstructure and process parameters optimization on forming processes. This involves the study of the constitutive equation and the prediction of forming quality of formed micro-component as a function of process variables. His research has integrated experiment, analytical and numerical simulation methods to investigate fundamentals in material deformation and material formability at various scales, to advance the adaptive method and apparatus for microforming metal parts. Emphasis is placed on new miniaturized forming equipment, processes and tooling. Specific current research includes the development of laser micro-forming processes and of miniaturized micro/meso-scale tools and die/mould for the manufacture of components in the 10 – 1000 μm range.

王匀,博士,教授,博导。江苏大学吴中先进制造研究院院长,模具所副所长,江苏省锻压学会秘书长。江苏省333第二/三层次培养对象,江苏省“青蓝工程”青年骨干培养对象,江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人,省“新能源汽车”优势学科方向负责人,江苏省“机械工程”优势学科方向负责人,省双创团队成员,江苏省科协首席专家,省科技服务业百优人才,校 “青年拔尖人才”培养对象,校“青年拔尖造就”培养对象,镇江市十佳教师,市与在镇高校合作引进培育高层次人才。中国成组技术主任委员,中国科技名词委员会委员,美国西北大学访问学者。《现代制造工程》和《精密成形工程》编委。

主持完成国家自然科学基金3项、江苏省自然科学基金及重点项目2项、省 “青蓝工程”骨干教师资助项目、省“333”人才项目,省科技支撑项目,省产学研前瞻项目,省科技成果转化专项基金、中国博士后基金、高级人才启动等20余项。参与国家自然科学基金,863项目、省科技成果转换专项等各类项目30余项。各类横向项目60余项。科研成果获国家科技进步一等奖(排名第5)、江苏省科技进步一等/二等/三等奖、中国专利金奖、中国机械工业科学技术进步奖一等奖2项、教育部科技进步等10多项。发表学术论文100余篇(其中被SCI和EI收录80余篇,一区/二区论文20余篇)、主编专著教材5本;授权40项国家发明专利,PCT5件。培养省优硕1名,校优硕5名,校优博1名,带领学生获省大创项目、省挑战杯、“学创杯”、“创青春”、“星光杯”等奖励。